Below are some frequently ask questions about Shaolin. If you have any questions that you would like us to answer, please email us at on the subject line, please state FAQs
Q: What is taught at Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Academy?
A: Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Academy offers classes in Wushu, Kung Fu, Chi Gong, 18 weapons and self defense.
Q: Who teaches the classes at Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Academy
A: Master Shi Yan Hui, a 34th generation Shaolin Temple Warrior Disciple.
Q: I’ve seem on Spike TV someone who looks exactly like master Shi Yan Hui, is that him?
A: Yes, Master Shi Yan Hui (AKA Bruce Wen) has been in many films and television shows. He is constantly working in promoting the cultural through films, television, and many media.
Q: The star of the movie “The Forgotten Jewel” is Bruce Wen, is he master Shi Yan Hui?
A: Yes, Master Shi Yan Hui starred as Ratava in the feature film “The Forgotten Jewel”.